Country Quicksteppers
P.O. Box 5156
Belmont, CA 94002-9998
The Country Quicksteppers dance club was formed in 1987 as a way to promote country western
dancing an educational, social, and recreational activity. From approximately 30 original members,
the club grew to over 200 in its first year.
Country Quicksteppers includes line dancers, two-step dancers, cloggers, and swing dancers.
Some of our members enjoy promoting country western dancing at civic functions and county fairs.
Our skillful DJ's keep dancers happy.
Country Quicksteppers holds regular dances on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays
of every month. All dancers are invited to join our country western "family." Kick up your heels
in an alcohol- and smoke-free environment where our motto is FUN!
Country Quicksteppers members enjoy a $3 discount off dance admission. Dance admission is $12.00
for members and $15.00 for nonmembers, as of 7/1/21 Annual membership is $20.00 per person and
is valid from July 1 to June 30. To join, please fill out the membership form
and mail it or give it to us at our next dance.
An Oldie, a Club Classic,
and a New dance will be played in rotation at our dance socials as specified in the DJ Guidelines.
It will still be your responsibility to mark your initials next to your favorite dances on the request list.
We are hoping that this will enable everyone to dance at least every third dance. There is no list of new dances,
as that information changes too frequently to maintain.